Search Growers within Monmouthshire

Border Nurseries Raglan
- Fruit Trees, Bushes & Plants
- Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
- A Fruit Trees
- A Ornamental Shrubs
- A Ornamental Trees
- Apple Trees
- Nursery Stock
- Specimen Trees

Carrob Growers
- Fruit Trees, Bushes & Plants
- Ornamental Plants
- Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
- A Fruit Trees
- A Ornamental Shrubs
- A Ornamental Trees
- A Soft Fruit (Plants or Bushes)
- Apple Trees
- Apple Trees (Cider)
- Nut Trees
- Pear Trees
- Pear Trees (Perry )
- Peonies
- Roses
- Woodland Perennials

Greenmoor Nurseries .

- Ornamental Plants
- Bedding Plants
- Hanging Baskets
- Plants to Encourage Wildlife

June and Steve's fruit and veg Abergavenny
- Farm Gate Sales
- Ornamental Plants
- Vegetable Plants
- Vegetables by Name
- Bedding Plants
- Fruit
- Perennials
- Various Vegetables
- Vegetable Plants
- Vegetables

Pinewood Christmas Trees
- Christmas Trees
- Christmas Sundries
- Christmas Wreaths
- Cut your own Christmas Trees
- Potted or Container GrownTrees
- V Nobel Fir (Abies procera)
- V Nordman Fir (Abies nordmanniana)
- V Norway Spruce (Picea abies)


- Ornamental Plants
- Butterfly Attracting Plants
- Plants to Encourage Wildlife
- Wild Flowers

The Seed Detective
- Tubers, Seeds, Bulbs, Corms and Cuttings
- Heritage Varieties
- Seeds
- Vegetable Seeds

Welsh Organic Wildflowers
- Ornamental Plants
- Tubers, Seeds, Bulbs, Corms and Cuttings
- Plugs
- Wild Flowers