Come to Anglesey and enjoy a taste that is normally associated with sunnier climes. Tŷ Croes Farm has established a vineyard covering two and a half acres of vines that have now been turned into delicious Welsh wines ready for you to sample. Why not come and join us for a Vineyard Tour and enjoy wine tasting and light refreshments in the vine arbours. There is ample parking space.
The Vineyard Tŷ Croes Vineyard is situated in the southern corner of Anglesey on a north-south alignment. The soil is a light sandy loam on a shale base. The Vineyard was first planted in 2003, which together with new plantings in subequent years now represent approximately two and a half acres of vines. The varieties of grapes we grow are Phoenix and Seyval Blanc, which are both white and Rondo which is red.
Harry Dean, family and friends, established Tŷ Croes Vineyard in 2003. This involved planting 800 vines to produce a white grape called Phoenix. The following year more Phoenix were added along with a red variety called Rondo.The vineyard was maintained to a high standard for the next two years, almost nurtured by Harry and this allowed the vines to mature and establish themselves. They produced a small harvest in 2005 which yielded approximately 100 bottles of quality white wine.The grapes went away to be processed and bottles and later returned as an impressive cellar of both red and white wine.
By 2007, again with help from family and friends we planted more Rondo and a different variety of red called Regent. We also introduced a new variety of white grape called Solaris. We now had several different varieties, this would enable us to blend the different grapes and enhance the flavour and appeal of the wines produced. This was considered important at a time when customers have become much more discerning in their choice of wine and these days with palate more influential than pocket, many are eager to try something different. The vineyard now covers four acres of land, on a North/South alignment, and is situated in the southern corner of Anglesey.